Looking for Low-Maintenance Landscaping?

Are you a ‘Snow Bird’ or someone who likes to spend your weekends on the lake?

We’ve got you covered!  Low maintenance landscaping is for you!  ii

No matter the situation, if your passion is something other than gardening every weekend, look for easy to grow, low maintenance plants. Here are a few versatile suggestions.

Spirea, Smoke Bush, Barberry and Potentilla are your ‘go to’ plants and great news, generally speaking, the deer will leave them alone!  We have a nursery filled with several varieties of these that wil lset your yard apart in the neighborhood!  Dwarf pine, such as ‘Slowmound’ mugo, many varieties of dwarf spruce and boxwood are evergreen choices for year-round interest.

If you’re looking to add more color, try some of the suggestions listed below.

Best Loved Flowers in America
Are Your Favorites on the List?

The online gardening site Gardening Chores looked at top Google searches to determine the flowers Americans love best. The top ten are flowers we often find in our gardens here in North Idaho.  Did your favorites make the list?

It’s no surprise Lavender is the #1 flower. It’s pretty easy to grown, and its unique fragrance is said to promote relaxation.

Watering, Watering, Watering

It’s a topic we’re covering regularly as we enter into the hottest time of our summer. Sometimes it seems our yards just can’t get enough water, yet we feel like we are watering all the time. Remember that the best time to water is in the evening or early morning hours. If you wait until the middle of the day, a lot of that precious water evaporates into the atmosphere instead of settling in the ground!

Check out Jen’s tips on watering! It’s great information and will help you water your gardens in the most efficient manner possible. Great info Jen!

Employee Spotlight: New Leaf’s Watering Warriors

The nursery staff is a team, no member more or less important than the other, but during the hottest time of the year, the watering team stands heads above!  Sometimes watering the entire nursery, not once, but twice in a day, in a heat wave, they manage to keep the plants alive and fresh! 

Here’s a few of our watering warriors:  Lauren, Tina, Maddy, Lisa and Cindy. Still attached to hoses are: Cheryl, Kelly, Reese, Sarah, Vicky, Andrew, Evan, and James S.