Watering Plants During the Hot Season

Did you know there is an art to watering your plants during the hot summers here in North Idaho? New Leaf garden expert Jen gives us tips on watering our plants to make sure they are fully hydrated and root growth is stimulated.

Why some plants didn’t make it

Many of our customers at New Leaf have let us know that loved trees, roses, bushes, and shrubs didn't emerge this Spring and wanted to know what might have happened. In some cases, these plants were well established, and in others the plants were somewhat new. In this video, New Leaf garden expert Jen talks about what may have happened to the many bushes, trees and shrubs that didn't survive this past Winter.

planting container ideas

New Leaf garden expert Jen talks about choosing plants and designing beautiful containers that make a statement. With a keen eye and passion for creating visually captivating spaces, Jen will share valuable insights and tips on choosing the perfect plants and crafting stunning container arrangements.

planting containers: what soil to use

New Leaf garden expert Jen unleashes the secrets to successful container gardening by delving into the fundamental importance of good soil. In this insightful video, you will learn how the quality of your soil can make all the difference when it comes to the health and vitality of your container plants.

planting containers: choosing containers

New Leaf garden expert Jen continues her series on planting containers, this time talking about containers themselves. Should you choose, ceramic, glazed ceramic, terra cotta, plastic, metal or wood? Check out our video to learn about which containers might be best for the spaces you plan to put them.

watering and feeding container plants

New Leaf garden expert Jen gives tips for maintaining beautiful containers all Summer long. From watering guides to fertilizing schedules, we'll unravel the secrets to nurturing your plants with care and expertise, helping you create a vibrant and blooming paradise that thrives under the Summer sun.

Planting Asparagus

New Leaf plant expert Jen shares her top tips on planting asparagus to ensure a bountiful harvest of delicious spears for years to come. Jen explains the best time to plant asparagus, the ideal soil conditions, and the proper care techniques to establish a thriving patch. From selecting the right variety to preparing a nutrient-rich bed and maintaining the plants season after season, she covers everything you need to know to enjoy a long-lasting asparagus harvest.

planting onions

New Leaf garden expert Jen tells us all about how to grow onions in our unique North Idaho climate.

planting potatoes

New Leaf Nursery's garden expert Jen talks about how to plant seed potatoes for a great harvest in the summer.

planning a flower garden

New Leaf Nursery garden expert, Jen offers these tips and ideas for planning a flower garden in your yard.

planning a vegetable garden

New Leaf Nursery garden expert, Jen offers these ideas for planning a vegetable garden.

starting your own seeds

Ready to start growing seeds at home? Jen, garden expert from New Leaf Nursery in North Idaho, gives you helpful tips on propagating seeds and getting an early start to your Summer garden.

how to read seed packets

Not sure when to plant your seed starts, and whether you should start them indoors or directly sow them into the garden? New Leaf's resident gardening expert, Jen, talks about how to read and understand seed packets to ensure your garden gets off to a good start.

How to protect your trees from deer

A lot of the trees here in North Idaho can be damaged to varying degrees by deer. In this video, New Leaf Nursery Plant Specialist Jen, offers a few simple and effective ways on how to keep your trees protected from Deer this season.

why leaves change color in the fall

In this video, New Leaf Nursery Plant Specialist Jen explains why leaves change color in the fall, as well as why those leaves are a vital part of keeping trees alive.

DIY terracotta gnome

Craft your own adorable gnome to live in your garden using simple terracotta pots, outdoor paint and loads of imagination! See how we made ours and add your spin to it!

Pruning Perennials for Winter

Jen answers your questions with a few quick tips to take out the guesswork. Have more questions? Message, comment, give us a call or drop by our garden nursery to get all of your questions answered.

Watering Tips in Preparation for Winter

Jen shares a few tips about preparing your evergreen and deciduous plants for winter so they're protected and come back strong next spring. Be sure to checkout our website for more tips on pruning, mulching, soil building and watering. Give us a call if you have any questions.

Crafting a Decorative Sphere for Your Garden

A quick tutorial on how to craft your own garden sphere. Using a few simple materials, you can add color and texture to your garden for spring and summer.

How to Prep Your Planters for Winter

Jen shares all the details about how to cover your pots, prune the stems, and ideas on where to move them so they don't get waterlogged. Remember, you can always message, comment, call or drop by our garden nursery if you have questions.

Watering Tips for Potted Plants

Don’t forget to keep your plants cool during this heat wave. Here’s Jen with some very helpful tips on how you can keep your plants from cooking this summer.

Let’s Talk Fertilizers

Which fertilizer, when and how much makes a big difference for your lawn and plants. Here are a few helpful tips when choosing a fertilizer. Message, call or drop by our nursery for more details and get expert assistance.

How to Deadhead a Rhododendron

Watering Tips for In-Ground Plants & Lawns

Important tips on how to water your in-ground plants and lawn during extreme heat.

Mulching Tips for Winter

Mulching particular plants is crucial to help protect them through the winter and ensure a strong start in the spring. Did you know about the "pot pop" phenomenon (aka frost heave)? Here are a few tips on mulching to help safeguard your beautiful plants.