Hello Friends and fellow gardeners,

The Covid-19 pandemic has swiftly upended our lives.  With Governor Little’s recent announcement that Idaho is now under a statewide 21 day Stay-Home order, we wanted to take this opportunity to explain our approach to operating during this time.  It is our understanding that we have been designated an “essential business,” based on the premise we offer edible plants, garden soils and other essentials to subsist. 

At New Leaf Nursery, we take this opportunity and responsibility very seriously.  You have supported us through the years and we feel an overwhelming responsibility to be here so that you can get the information and essentials you need to help your family sustain and grow during this period.

To be safe, we’re asking you to shop a little differently over the next three weeks so that we can further limit the potential spread of the virus.  Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Online Shopping – We will be continually adding things to our recently launched online store to offer remote shopping.  Check it out…  Newleafnurseryhayden.com/shop

  • Phone Order – we are set up to take your calls and have you place orders and ask questions.

  • In Store Shopping – Although the nursery grounds are still open for you to come in, we have made some changes… 

    • We are limiting our hours early in the year to be open 10am-5pm Monday through Saturday.

    • We have closed the barn to minimize touch points.  We have an ‘outside’ check out set up to maximize space between individuals.

    • We will be practicing social distancing.

    • All high touch surfaces will be regularly and routinely disinfected.

  • Delivery and Planting Services - Take advantage of our plant delivery/installation and soil delivery services to minimize exposure.  We also offer curbside pickup for all orders.

Information we receive from our national and local leaders changes rapidly, but as of now, this is our plan to strike a balance between enabling gardeners and keeping everyone safe.

Thank you!

Ben Christen – General Manager