Spray deciduous trees and shrubs, especially fruit trees with horticultural oil (dormant or all-season) as buds emerge but before green leaves appear.
Apply fertilizer to the lawn, perennial beds, fruiting and flowering trees and shrubs.
Prune out dead wood from everything and cut back perennials.
Plant summer blooming bulbs (gladiolas and dahlias).
Start vegetable, herb and flower seeds indoors.
Spray deer/mammal repellent as leaves emerge.
Start planting trees, shrubs and perennials (including herbs).
Spray fruit trees with multi-purpose spray after pollinators (bees) are done. Continue every 7-10 days throughout the summer.
Wire-up raspberries and other brambles. Start tying grapes and other vines.
Sow vegetable seeds directly in the garden per package directions.
Plant annual flowers around Mother’s Day.
Set out tender vegetables after Memorial Day.
Fertilize vegetables and annual flowers monthly (granular) or weekly (diluted liquid).
Fertilize the lawn a second time.
Prune early spring flowering trees and shrubs after blooming.
Continue planting trees, shrubs and perennials, it’s fine.
Mulch vegetable bed with compost, straw, grass clippings, etc.
Sow short season crops (leaf crops, peas) for fall harvest (in August).
Harvest fruits and vegetables as they ripen—don’t let them”bolt”.
Mulch deciduous trees and shrubs, especially fruits, after the first hard frost.
Apply phosphorus fertilizer to everything that blooms or fruits.
Spread compost in vegetable bed and turn under/sow a cover crop.
Spray deciduous trees with horticultural (dormant or all-season) oil after leaf drop.