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Pruning Fruit Trees with Laurie Wilson

  • New Leaf Nursery 12655 North Government Way Hayden, ID, 83835 United States (map)

Plant expert Laurie Wilson shares her knowledge of when and how to prune to encourage growth and prevent disease in your garden fruit trees. Participants in the class will receive a 10% discount coupon off one fruit tree purchase from the outdoor nursery. (coupon good for in stock trees only) The class will be taught in the ‘white building’ located in the center of the south end of the nursery property. Parking is on the west side of the building.

Laurie Wilson studied Horticulture at The Lake Washington Institute of Technology, as well as studying Environmental Horticulture, and Master Pruners Classes, at the University of Washington. Laurie has worked with trees, plants and shrubs for over 20 years, and is highly regarded by the gardening community in North Idaho 

Pruning Fruit Trees (2)
Later Event: April 8
Easter Egg Hunt